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YHWH does love you

''As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.'' Psalm 103:14

Expectantly I asked the Lord, 'Jesus, what message do you have right now for everyone?

Here is what he said to me:

"Tell them

Even if they don't believe you

Just tell them

Even if they don't receive you

Oh, tell them for me

Tell them for me please

Please, tell them for me

Tell them that I love them

And i came to let them know

Tell them

When it seems you are forsaken

Just tell them

Though it seems you are earthly shaken

Oh, tell them for me

Tell them for me, please

Please, tell them for me

Tell them that I love them

And I came to let them know

Tell that lonely man who walks

The colds streets all alone

Tell that crying child

Who doesn't have a home

Tell those hungry people dying

And lost in the desert

They don't even know that I care

Tell them for me, please

Tell them that i love them

Oh, just tell them on the streets

And on the highways

And tell them and even on the bi-ways

Tell them I can mend the broken heart

And restore the ones who have parted

And I came to let them know

I came to let them know

And I came to let them know

They must know

They must know

...must know

[ In the lyrics of the music by :Andraé Crouch.. Album Volume 1: The Classics

Released 1991. And yes, He does speak through songs]

So often we hear the phrase "God loves you", or "Jesus loves you", but to many, it might seem to have lost its power. But the truth is that YHWH (God) is not a human that he should lie. He says what he means and means what he says - He LOVES YOU. And he proved it by taking the responsibility to repair the broken relationship between you and himself. His own words became a free-will (and independent) human ( the visible expression of himself i.e- Jesus the Messiah ) for only one reason: that you and I (every human) can come into his real relationship of love and trust.

You are not a 'nothing'. You are someone YHWH loves and truly wants.

He didn't wait for you to come to him, he came to you!

 [LFor] God was in Christ, ·making peace between the world and [reconciling the world to] himself. In Christ, God did not ·hold the world guilty of its sins [L count their trespasses against them]. And he ·gave [committed/entrusted to] us this message of ·peace [reconciliation].

 So we ·have been sent to speak [L are ambassadors] for Christ. It is as if God is ·calling to [urging; exhorting; encouraging] you through us. We speak for Christ when we ·beg [implore; urge] you to be ·at peace with [reconciled to] God." 2 Corinthians 5:19 -20

This is not just a story. It is still his present heart and thought for you and I.

Please believe me. And if you do believe, don't leave him hanging, accept his love for you and please, please do tell someone else.


"But God ·shows [demonstrates; proves] his ·great [L own] love for us in this way: Christ died for us while we were still sinners. " Romans 5:8EXB

"Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:7-9



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