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Time to Flow

The Lord is coming soon.

The weight I have been feeling these past days is a strong unction and knowing that if we do not put aside any self-serving or judgemental dispositions, we will miss this opportunity the Lord has given to his CHURCH. There is absolutely nothing wrong with establishing businesses (even as ministers) but this platform was not given to me for just me.

The Lord IS coming soon.

If we don't put aside unforgiveness and differences, we will miss an opportunity to unite as true Jesus Believers. I work for the Kingdom and there is where my loyalty lies.

It is time to reach the whole world for the one who died for them. Everything else is secondary.

May our conferences or meetings be directly beneficial to this cause? Truly, it is time to be less concerned about our ministry empires and focus on what YHWH is focused on.

We are not unaware of the deception of the devil.

''Finally, be strong in the Lord and his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.'' Ephesians 6:10-12

Why Christ Embassy? Why Why NewWine? Why Alpha? Why Lous Palau? etc, because the Lord trusts them to be faithful and to mobilize others to faithfulness in reaching our world and preparing the Church without distractions. This is not about who is greater - JESUS is in charge. Hallelujah!

It is for this reason I have renewed the 3Plycord website. It is not to take over from other unity groups but to create a site for true prophetic sharing and inspiration - in short, what I have been doing here and the true purpose of 3plycord as an organisation. If you are a believer in Jesus, defer to the master Jesus.

Previously, I shared content on this Deborah channel indiscriminately even though I knew some were not meant for everyone but specifically for leaders in God's house. There is a lot more the Lord is saying to us. Not just me but some other leaders with a genuine biblical prophetic calling. Therefore, 3Plycord will now be dedicated to prophetic insights, sharing, encouragement and collaboration between leaders.

Deborah social media Channel will now be solely to share Bible-based teachings and insights with all of Christ's family of Believers. 3Plycord as with Deborah Lade's channel and website is by the grace of God, a community of oneness, sharing and empowerment. I am mission-focused and will always be.

Today's teaching Video blog will be shown later as I launch new content on both and The time is short, and empowering insight and collaboration are vital to fulfilling all we need to do in Christ. Please pray alongside as (you and I) continue this journey of faith.




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