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The baby in the bathwater

'Let us live properly, as people do in the daytime — not partying and getting drunk, not engaging in sexual immorality and other excesses, not quarrelling and being jealous.''[Romans 13:13]

A few years back, I took a self-funded flight from the UK to the States to attend a small leaders conference organised by, what the tabloids would call, a 'disgraced' Pastor. This Pastor had not been found guilty of sexual misconduct or abuse but of other things. Now it's not my job to decide whether his dismissal was justified or not, however, I will tell you why I attended that conference: simply because the Lord told me to.

I had experienced even then, much personal hurt from leaders, but God in spite of the presence of my wounds, gave me a heart for his leaders both the wounded and the whole. He told me to go as an encouragement to that leader and to let him know that (while he might not have seen it then), he was called to be a strength and light to the wounded and even the fallen of his children especially those in leadership.

YHWH does not use people. By this I mean he is not working, building, loving and encouraging us just for what he can get out of it. His aim is to raise his kids to be responsible inheritors of all he has. And he has A LOT.

I am currently at a leader's conference and every time I attend such meetings the overwhelming love and appreciation of the Father for his children in leadership positions is very apparent to me.

As the opening scripture shows, there is a standard of life YHWH expects of us and though he does discipline his children, he never abandons us. David lamented this negative attitude we exhibit when a child of God (leader or not) falls.

''For they persecute him whom thou hast smitten; and they talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded.'' Psalm 69:26

YHWH is looking for people he can mould to do the great work that he needs to be done. It is his children that will run his eternal kingdom and here on this present earth is the training school. He is not looking for able people, he is only after those he can mould. With moulding comes failings and falls, but in the midst of this shaping lies the opportunity to see the beauty and testimony of restoration and redemption.

I'll tell you exactly what YHWH told me those many years ago, ''every soldier is needed and wounded Lions are lions still''.

So be it God's discipline, scandalous news tabloids or just community gossip revealing dirty bath water, please restain any herd instinct and urge to toss out the baby in it. That action is never God's plan.


''Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted''. Galatians 6:1



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