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Sounds of rejoicing

Do you hear what I hear?

Do you see what I see?

''In him was life, and the life was the light of mankind.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not suppressed it!''

The light of the world is Jesus - The word - in us.

The heart rejoices at the illumination dawning on so many in these last days. The GLORY of the Lord is being unveiled in all its fullness.

See! Hear!

Kings are coming to your light oh Church of Jesus, and Princes to the brightness of you dawning radiance!

Look! Look and see your children come from afar, the fullness of the inheritance of the Lord come into His fold.

For the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea!


There is great rejoicing in the heavenlies!

Hear! Hear the sons of God sing, dance and increase their preparation to welcome brethren into the courts of our Lord!

There is joy I say, great rejoicing, as the myriads of angels increase preparations for the festive gathering! The general assembly and assembly of the Jesus our Lord in heaven, and the spirits of the righteous burst in grateful anticipation as we the body of Christ on earth prepare for his coming!!!

You are being watched in eager anticipation! We are being cheered on by our Father and family in heaven. Their cry of thunderous encouragement is loud as we take our place boldly, carrying our crosses with unwavering determination to the end.

As we fulfil the will of the Father in these last laps of the race there is so much good-will and help directed towards us. The host of heaven are beside themselves in joyful anticipation. They are on alert, rejoicing (doing their part ) as we labour earnestly in the Father’s vineyard.

Our help is confirmed. Concluded. Amen

We are His people called for this time: Empowered, Energised and enabled by his Holy spirit to carry out our Father’s desire. Persevere.

Do you hear the note of rejoicing? Do you?

- Put your hand on the plow. Join in the work of the Holy Spirit in these last days. Build the church, bring in the harvest, make the body one, glorify Jesus with your everything and then…. listen… listen to the joyful noisy sounds (of rejoicing) of heaven filling your heart!

The light has come. Now is the day of the Church - the glorious Church of Jesus Christ.

Now is our time to win.

Our time to shine as one has come.


Glory to his name forever!



''Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”

Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” ''

Luke 9:61-62

[John 1:4 -5, Isaiah 60:3, Hebrews 12:1,22-23, Luke15:7, Habakkuk 2:14]



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