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Rain for the Harvest

"So be happy, people of Zion. Be joyful in the Lord your God. He is good and will give you rain. He will send the early rains and the late rains as before. The threshing floors will be filled with wheat, and the barrels will overflow with wine and olive oil. " Joel 2:23‭-‬24 ERV

Now is the time for a mighty outpouring of the Spirit unstoppable by the adversaries of the Lord. It is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms and gives showers of rain to all people. (Zechariah 10:1NIV)

Our spirit-led efforts and this mighty outpouring of God's spirit will bring in a mighty harvest and every man in the body will be driven to focus or refocus on the Lord through his word. Though we are participators with the God-head, this is not a drive led by one man. It is a training and drive lead by the Spirit of the Good Shepherd himself: the Holy spirit of Jesus Christ our master.

He is in every nook and cranny of his Body - healing and restoring what was missing or broken; purifying, purging, cleansing, perfecting and strengthening every one.

There is now a supernatural outpouring of ability to create wealth and provide ingenious solutions to empower the church despite it's detractors. Supernatural innovation and divine ideas provide the tools and means for the quick achievement of Christ's goals though his body. Dream - begin seeing as Jesus sees.

Intimacy with God produces a boldness in the spirit. Then we will see the Lord the way he is now - glorified (Rev 1: 13-18). Those who know their God will be strong and do exploits.

Now is the time for supernatural exploits: the Church has a limited time and this necessitates the outpouring for the impossible in order to achieve the heart of God that all men should be saved.

Tune into his word and his spirit through fellowship - in worship and praise. Be still in his presence, close your physical eyes and see. Dream from the perspective of 'the ability of God'. This makes you see possibilities. The patriarch Abraham was told that as far as His eyes can see is the extent of his possession. For us, and especially in this time, we are expected to see as Jesus sees (as God-the-Father's eyes see) because we are meant to be in-step with God's spirit. We, as Jesus exemplified, should see from the perspective of God's present word and work by his Holy spirit given to us.

Think eternal. Think, see and be led from the eternal perspective of God. Nothing is impossible to us that believe. (John 5:19 Matthew 17:20, Rom 8:13-14)


Carry a writing tool with you and be ready at all times to write down the ideas that pop into your spirit. Some will make absolutely no sense to you because it is a piece in a puzzle. It is meant to complete the picture given to someone else in Christ's body. But no matter how subtle or outlandish the ideas and promptings of God's spirit seem, respond. He is the good Shepherd - even your mistakes can be used for good. Learn to respond to the Holy spirit by jotting down his directions and following his lead. Keep your motives pure for the Lord searches all hearts. Plant love, give grace, proclaim his peace to the nations because you are the body of the Prince of peace. Let's join to transform this world.

"He will proclaim peace to the nations. His rule will extend from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth." Zechariah 9:10 NIV

Now is the time for the unveiling of the sons of God. Now is the time for the unification of the church. Now is the time for Jesus to do the impossible through you and I - his body. Now is the time to draw ALL men to him. (John12:32)


"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." Habakkuk 2:14 NIV



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