The Lord told me this is the Church's season of preparation for his coming. I did not see it or hear it from any minister, I knew it from the Lord. He told us his strategy is to prepare us is every man to become a bible student and develop intimacy with the Lord Jesus through his Holyspirit that lives in us and is with us.
We are to become one body, resisting every distraction or division. We are to transmute and transform by making personal and individual adjustments - preferring one another in truth and the love of Christ. He told me His voice will not be understood by everyone, only those who are alert in their spirit will recognise his call. Those whose relationship is vibrant, whose minds are set on the things above and not beneath, who wait with earnest expectation as they busy themselves investing in his Kingdom.
When I think about all I have experienced this past year, I am fully aware none of it was about me at all; it was all about you - primarily the Church in the western nations. I was not sent to Africa and the so-called 'third world' countries in which you invested. Your investment and that of your forebears paid off: the Church in Africa is alive and awake in the realm of the spirit. They seem poor in what you call success but they see and understand the Lord. But you, however, are blind, deaf and many of you with a reputation of life, are dead at the core.
That is why Deborah was sent. She was not sent for you to train her to be like you. She was sent to help and the only help required of you is your participation in spreading Christ's message.
The distractions thrown were to sabotage his preparation of you for his coming. It is about maintaining you in your distracted state. It is about keeping you not being focused on the Lord -watching and praying, but keeping you busy, blinded by your earth shaped reasoning and pursuit of relevance. You work hard, vigorously seeking to validate your existence by the approval of men while the one who bought you with his blood, and calls you accepted, watches.
You are distracted. You have confused a spiritual service in the kingdom with the fleshly merchandising of this world. I call you back to my feet. I call you back to everyman in my word- being prepared in spirit. Deborah was not sent to become famous or make anyone famous- she was sent to prepare the Church spiritually.
Look. Your strong need for a spiritual and heavenly focus in God’s Church has been exposed to you. Even now can you see it? I look and I am often perplexed and distressed by your lack of insight. All you know is the peripheral of the power of the gospel you have received. You are big, active, relevant but your spiritual insight is bleak, limited and easily circumvented. You need to begin to see. It is a must in this dispensation.
All you see is not all there is but can you even discern that?
You focus on correcting but cannot realise you are the one in need of help. Her need is a sign to you, your response is designed to expose you to you: the areas of your lack. But have you seen it? Do you realise it? Have you known it? Or is this too difficult for you to bear? That an insignificant 'black' woman would be sent to prepare you?
The Lord comes. In His mercy has sent a herald, but will you hear? Can you believe his word to you? Will you stop focusing on the minor? Start seeing and preparing for the eternal?
The time is short. Know the issue. The message is to let you know He wants you prepared. He wants you ready. He wants you to see and understand the spiritual so that you can walk in it and not be deceived and led astray. He wants your spirits wise to the happenings and forces around you to minimise the falling away. You are so comfortable being conformable, appeasing men's sentiments and sensibilities. Your message is designed to conform to what is socially acceptable, you do not wait (or even know) to hear from me before you speak. You even compromise my word rather than 'rock the boat' to stay relevant and acceptable to this world's systems.
Let no one in any way deceive or entrap you, for that day will not come unless the apostasy comes first [that is, the great rebellion, the abandonment of the faith by professed Christians], and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction [the Antichrist, the one who is destined to be destroyed],
2 Thessalonians 2:3 AMP
This is a short day. A short dispensation. A very short season. Grow strong in your spirit and stand ferociously for His word. It's not been about me at all. I am a prophet: every battle, every pain, every attack has all been for your soul. It's all been about you. I am sent to motivate you spiritually to reduce the falling away which will be largely among you Western Church. He said you will listen, so listen:
You will each have to choose if you haven't already. It will not be a choice between good or bad, but between what is more acceptable (what is preferred), and what is right for all eternity. I counsel you; in the choice for eternity, choose right. Choose the Lord each time. Choose closeness to him, choose intimacy. Now is the determination of your eternal reward.
'Ezekiel will be a sign to you; you will do just as he has done. When this happens, you will know that I am the Sovereign Lord.’ Ezekiel 24:24 NIV