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All that belongs to the Father is mine.

30 - 33ish


a builder by training but...

not so committed to his career

needs met, but nothing extraordinary in the bank.

has a home but...

constantly on the road.


not particularly handsome (just OK, I guess),

no girlfriend.

mum often wondered at his choices and actions

siblings think he is bordered on insanity

neighbours think he is unwarrantedly braggadocious

religious elders think he is down-right rude

the masses love him (ha! especially when he feeds them)

close friends trust him but sometimes even they can't place him.

sometimes 'late'


He is so confident in who he is!

(Mark 6:3, Luke 9:58, Luke 2:19,John 7:4-6, Isaiah 53, John 11:32,)

''I and the Father (YHWH) are one'' - John 10:30

really, really, WHO talks like this?!

=Jesus the son of God(YHWH).

He could be anyone of us that has now come to YHWH through him. But what makes us (Jesus- followers) so opposed to boldness and confidence? Why don't we genuinely embrace who we are and what we have in Christ?

Is it upbringing? Culture? Scandals among those who have claimed to walk in this boldness? Or just plain fear that we are becoming proud and might get off the track of purity of heart and motive if we think as highly as he did?

This is not a chat on what we often call ''prosperity''. This is a chat on the limiting anti-Christ beliefs that we piously defend. Harsh? Yes, but if it helps, this is what the Lord is saying not just to you, but also to me.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to be the body of Christ Jesus our Master if we limit ourselves to just some aspects of his personality generally accepted as pious. At the same time, it is IMPOSSIBLE to showcase and continue his mission on this earth if the identity we claim to have, is sourced from anywhere outside his identity - this includes unscriptural affirmations, liturgy or even positive speak-yourself-happy sermons. What the Lord is communicating is that the issue is non-denominational, it is individual.

What does YHWH our Father really desire?

Our study of Jesus helps us understand how to be sons (and daughters) of YHWH in this world. Being born into nobility is not enough to make one act noble. It is a commitment to the training the Father gives by instruction and example that does the trick.

Our heavenly father is very keen to train us and he does this through his instructions: in the scriptures and by his son - Jesus Christ's words and example/. To be like him, we must study him -everything about him.

Want to know what the father likes? Study Jesus: not just some parts, but EVERYTHING about him. He is pleasing to the Father:

''While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!” Matthew 17:5

So how did Jesus speak about the Father (YHWH), his place in YHWH, and their relationship?

  1. He understood the union (John 10:30)

  2. He understood the roles. (John 14:28)

  3. He understood the dynamics of the roles.(John 5:26-27, John 5:30 )

  4. He was confident in who he was - his place. (John 4:26, John 5:26-27 )

  5. He expressed it boldly (John 5:20)

  6. He passed that confidence and boldness to others that followed him. (Jude 1:1. John 16:26-27)

  7. His opinion of himself was never sourced from others (John 5:34)

YHWH is not pleased when we reduce ourselves from the level he has placed us as his people in Christ. That thinking is not of him. If our identity is suppressed to conform to people instead of God, that is idolatry. There is no safety in any place other than in our place in Christ. When we truly recognise our place, we automatically realise that all humans were prepared to be in that lofty place (through Christ) and therefore not one of us is less or greater than the other in Christ.

The father desires bold co-heirs with Jesus any less is not of him.


''I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.”Luke 7:28

''All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.” John 16:15

''Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.''Romans 8:17

''because everything which has God as its Father overcomes the world. And this is what victoriously overcomes the world: our trust.''1 John 5:4 CJB



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