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A general warning

"The Lord used a prophet to bring Israel up from Egypt, by a prophet he cared for him." Hosea 12:13

Our God loves to work with people. That was the whole purpose of man: communion, participation and intimacy with his creator, God and friend.

The job of a prophet can extend beyond speaking inspired utterances, giving God's direction and vision, or encouragement. Often, his whole life is dedicated to the Lord and to the care and protection of a people:

“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me." Ezekiel 3:17

In ancient times, the watchman stays on the city wall, he is a 'lookout'. His job is to sound a warning alarm if he spies danger or enemies approaching. (Ezekiel 33:1-3). A prophet is also a watchman.

Here is a word the Lord has been impressing on me for some time now, it is a warning to those he sends to minister in the West:

If the Lord sends you to the UK

or Europe to preach or bring His message,

Please ensure

it is from the Lord Jesus.

Make sure

it is unadulterated.

Be diligent that

it conforms to his word in the scriptures.

Make sure

you are led by Him and do not deviate from His direction.

If you do deviate, ''I have appointed a watchman in this place and his spirit will work against you.''

…says the Lord.

This is the time for these nations: in Europe, Northern Ireland , the United Kingdom and all the west. The Lord's eyes are turned towards us. It is harvest - the reaping time - and the Lord is not joking.

He will not tolerate imposters or any that might try to deceive or make merchandise of the people.

He will not tolerate any spiritual harm or deception. His judgement will be very swift and rapid because they are a protected people.

This is the time of the Lord's favour on Europe and the nations in the west. The Lord has remembered the prayers of their forefathers, the sweat and blood of missionaries spilled all over the world for the salvation of others.

I implore you, please DO NOT ATEMPT TO DECIEVE.



The Lord God whose face is turned to favour them at this time will not be lenient on imposters or unfulfilled assignments. Please be careful to do all you are told to do and say what Jesus says only. Because, right now, it is not about you, it is about them. For the time is so short and the Lord is not unrighteousness to forget the cries, the sown seeds of the missionaries and prayers of their forebears. The Lord has remembered in their favour. (Malachi 3:16.)

The covering of a prophet is over these lands. Though the Lord their God will send many to prepare them, please ensure you follow Christ's mandate only: nothing more, nothing less.



““If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." - Jesus. (Matthew 18:6 NIV)

"For God is not so unfair as to forget your work and the love you showed for him in your past service to his people — and in your present service too." Hebrews 6:10 CJB

Please invite many to the 'God Loves You Tour' by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association at the ExCeL London.

On: 16 July 2022

Time: 7pm

Venue: Royal Victoria Dock

1 Western Gateway


E16 1XL

ExCeL London, UK.

All events are free of charge and everyone is welcome.

The Lord Jesus will be there in love and power.




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