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A new season

My Personal notes from the prophetic message by Emma Stark at the New Wine leadership conference 3rd of March 2022.


We are in the season of dismantling.

A new season. New season

An amateur in the new is better than an expert in the old.

Our trajectory as the Church is wrong and now is a correction season.

You will not be successful, You will be victorious! You have to choose a side.

Was Goliath brave? No. He was strong - he did not need to be brave.

Was David brave? No. He was inspired.

What happened between David and goliath was not a lesson in bravery - it was an exhibition of the ability of God working in someone who allowed him to have his whole being as an instrument of His righteousness. No David was not brave, he was taken over by the Spirit of faith because he was a yielded vessel. No he did not become a yielded vessel when faced with goliath. He was a man who was consecrated to the Lord His God way before he had to fight the lion, bear, Goliath or Saul.

God is not looking for brave people he is looking for yielded vessels.... People whose very breath, air, food and drink is Jesus. People who cannot literally live without the Lord, his word and his Spirit. People who are intricately woven into him Spirit, soul, mind and body.

Yes, I know Jesus and Yahweh said "fear not" and "only be thou strong and courageous" but those commands were not a command based on the abilities of the people but on the ability of the Holy spirit that is infused into that one with an enablement that comes from the infuse of dependence on the power of God that comes through his word by His Holy spirit.

No, the Lord is not looking for the strong or the brave he is looking for the lame, the weak, the poor in spirit, the outcast and despised - if that is you, you qualify.

What he is after and doing now is, the strong, powerful and those who are attached to their worldly influence do not qualify. influential will not cut it because in the NOW according to the Now of the Lord Jesus, it is NOT by power or might but by my Spirit says the Lord.

In this Now, the Lord has set his sail... all who are ready to let him be the only captain in a boat driven only by the Spirit of Jesus are welcome in. Only the weak, and poor in spirit may board. Only those who do not have any strength and are willing to give up their earthly benefits may enter. Only those ready to die to the world and their flesh may board. In this boat the only guarantee is that the captain will not jump ship. No other guarantees except that; and that eternal crown and reward of Victors belong to those that remain in the boat till the destination. But be warned, there will be storms, it will be rocky, the ride may cause you to be sea sick many times, you might even feel like what have I gotten myself into sometimes. The criteria for winners is nothing more than you stayed in his ship. You were led by the Spirit though you almost died in the process. Though you puked out of stress, fear and anxiety and overwhelm many at a times- the point is you STAYED LED. Jesus is LORD of your life - No one, nothing, no place else. You fought beasts and won because you stayed in this boat driven only by his spirit through his word. You stayed in Jesus. You stayed in his word. You stayed by his Spirit. And won.

Emma Stark is of the Global Prophetic Alliance formed in 2009 by David and Emma Stark. They are an international apostolic and prophetic equipping hub based in Scotland.

New Wine is 'a Spirit-empowered movement bringing this nation back to Jesus – through the local Church – one renewed life at a time.' They are a missional agency and not-for-profit.



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