I live in the UK and bless God for the hundreds of balanced, vibrant churches and ministries we have. Irrespective of the news, the Church IS flourishing in this beautiful land and worldwide. However, I have been impressed to write about this. ......
In our present day of great customer service being the standard for any business that seeks to grow, a cancer has grown: the "please me, serve me, make me happy or you're out" mindset. This thinking shows up in all our relationships and even in our very idea of God. Many are now mentally programmed to want a God that serves them not a God they serve. Though this generation's soul cries out for Truth (they want a real God) unfortunately, they mistakenly think he is (will or should be) a Hero they can control. In Exodus 32, when Moses took too long, when it began to take faith to remain with God, when it became work to keep trusting that God was still with them, the people found an easier alternative - “Come, make us gods who will go before us..." . So, Aaron the priest made a golden Calf. One question that came to my mind is "Why a Calf?" Why not a Lion or a Bull like the pagan cultures around them, any other mature creature? A Calf is a baby. I believe Aaron knew the people so well, he created what they truly wanted - A God they could control; A weak God. A God that leads them where THEY want to go... and no further. When Aaron saw that the people loved this god and accepted it immediately, in verse 5, he tried to make better (i'd say Christianitize) the obvious idolatry by bringing Jehovah into it: he built an altar beside the idol and declared a festival to Jehovah. However, a corrupted truth is no truth at all. Here is the result: "Now when Moses saw that the people were out of control--for Aaron had let them get out of control to the point of being an object of mockery among their enemies"--Exodus 32:25 AMP Unfortunately this scenario exists in quarters of today's church. After the initial euphoria of coming to Jesus dies down, and it becomes apparent that this "Christianity" demands some input from them to grow, some begin to seek an easier way to faith - a God they can touch. A God that leads them the way they want to go, not the way He wants them to go, a convenient god. Dear Church Leader, please let's not be Aaron. A Minister's primary employer is God. We serve God's will to God's children as a governess serves the will of the parents to their child. We do not Lord it over them because we are not their Lord - Jesus is. Neither do we use or manipulate them to achieve our own aims. In the same manner, we do not allow God's children Lord it over us because we have a master - Jesus Christ our Lord. Like a good governess, we listen and take their concerns into consideration in the execution of our duties. But our instruction comes from our boss - the Lord God himself. We are assigned to bring up God's kids, God's way with Jesus as our example. Jesus lovingly served the will of Father God in the lives of the people. When they asked for healing, he healed them because it was his father's will. But when they wanted bread for their flesh, and a physical King outside of the plan of God, he decisively pointed out their error. (Acts1:6-7) He did not serve the people their own desires nor did he serve them his own desires, He served them his father's will because his will was to do his father's (God) desires. "Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to completely finish His work." John 4:34 AMP The temptation is real though, who doesn't want to be loved, accepted and celebrated? And to be honest, it is not wrong to receive appreciation from those we lead. However, there will always come a point of decision, when we will have to decide what we really are after? The praise of God or the praise of his children? Strangely enough, while some want a God or leader they control, some others, as Paul observed, are "even patient with someone who forces you to do things and uses you. You are patient with those who trick you, or think they are better than you, or hit you in the face!" 2 Corinthians 11:20 ERV In short, some love those who appeal to their fleshly and base instincts... Leaders who absolve them of all responsibility. Why work on being all Christ made you when you can just make someone else responsible for your growth? Why read your bible when the Pastor reads them for you? Why pray when the leaders and prayer team are praying for you? Why receive grace to WORK on your character and life when you can intimidate the pastor or leaders with the accusations of 'not being loving' or by not voting them in (the threat of a sack). Sometimes, people want a God of convenience and pleasure - A Golden Calf - to replace Jehovah. If the people get weary, we Don't build them an idol; Don't feed their lust. Don't entertain the lazy; Don't do their faith work for them, Or be their God. We Support, strengthen and build so YOU can stand in God WITHOUT us: Children that can relate with their father without an intermediary. - Who can win victories with God's word. - Who are unashamed of the gospel. - Who are bold in faith. Mature Sons who are no longer directed by feelings and selfish ambition but by the Holy Spirit and the Word of their father. Minister's are called to be upholders of Truth not enablers against TRUTH like Jannes and Jambres were. (2 Timothy 3:8) We do not sell our souls for a morsel of bread. Our Love for Christ and His church makes us labour hard to build our fellow brothers and sisters. So dear fellow Jesus follower, help your Pastor lead you in the way of Truth and be eager to take up your personal responsibility for growth in faith as we all follow the only true God - Jesus Our Lord. Amen
"Remember this: There are some terrible times coming in the last days. People will turn against their friends. They will do foolish things without thinking and will be so proud of themselves. Instead of loving God, they will love pleasure. They will go on pretending to be devoted to God, but they will refuse to let that “devotion” change the way they live. Stay away from these people!" 2Timothy 3:1,4-5