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From ancient times, man has been trying to reason out God. We try to imagine his being, how he might think, what he might say, feel (or not feel) and how he might look. The issue with all that is, our conclusions are based on data from our only points of reference - the human experience and world. For one - GOD IS NOT HUMAN. two, HE IS NOT FROM THE HUMAN WORLD OR UNIVERSE

A simplified analogy is that of an ant trying to work out the human species. There are too many factors working against him at from the very start... 1. He does not have the mental capacity to reason at the level that can help him acquire the data he needs for analysis. 2. Even if by some chance he can acquire the data, his only points of reference for the interpretation and understanding of the data are his ant senses, ant experience and ant world understanding. You cannot understand what is beyond you.... Except....

If we the humans that 1. have the higher intellect and 2. clearer understanding and oversight of the ant life, ant processes and ant world, deliberately reach out to allow the ants insight into us in 1. their own language and 2. in adapted chunks that ants can easily understand and accept.

But even with those adjustments, humans would need something called 'trust' from at least one ant.

Trust would be essential because any insight or knowledge introduced would be foreign and strange to the ant's current reasoning power, science and experience. This trusting ant would have to embrace all these new knowledge and insight even though they do not make "ant sense"; this ant would have to operate by FAITH.

God loves man. Man and his universe were designed and CREATED by God. God wants to reveal himself to man because mankind (human species) were created for a relationship with God.

God therefore put signs and clues, adapted to the human mental processes, about himself in man and indeed in all man's world and universe.

But without Faith (trust), it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6 NIV

Trust is essential because any insight or knowledge of God would be foreign and strange to the man's current reasoning power, science and experience. Any trusting human would have to embrace all these new knowledge and insight even though they do not make "human sense"; these men would have to operate by FAITH.

Faith helps us understand that God created the whole world by his command (Word). This means that the things we see were made by something that cannot be seen.Hebrews 11:3

God presents this WORD to man in chunks that he can easily digest but it cannot be humanly reasoned out, it must be received by faith.

The strange thing however, is that after God's truth(word) has been received, God proves it in the life and circumstances of man.

This life of FAITH in the word of an unseen God is vital because it becomes the visible, relateable proof used by God to inspire trust in other less trusting humans.

Just as when a trusting ant allows itself to operate by faith in agreement with a scientist's introduced truth, that ant is able to serve as a proof-producer and trust-builder to help more fearful (or 'ant-senseful') ants believe.

God's plan (and desire) is to build a relationship and share his higher truth and life with all men. We believers in Jesus Christ are vital to this plan.

However, to be effective, we need to understand the importance of trust in God's word. It is not optional. It is beyond our church or denomination's teaching, style or choice. Faith is vital to live the divine life God introduced to us by Jesus Christ. God needs our faith i.e that level of trust that believes, receives and acts on God's word despite it not making human sense or being socially acceptable. This is crucial because only then can we be the witnesses, i.e. proof-producers and trust-builders, God needs to win the world he loves to himself.


. "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”Acts1:8

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