Our Life is not summed up by our circumstances or experiences.
What holds in our lives is determined by God's word in our spirit that we doggedly put to work.
In life there will be trials, grief, pain, disappointment and some failure. We must realise this and give ourselves time to mourn, heal and recover after negative experiences.
However, the power for change is in God's word!
And working out the change is up to YOU.
Tenacity in faith controls the end outcome of the situations we face; we either remain victims or become victors.
YOU activate God's power in your life by:
1. finding out what God has actually said in the bible about you and your circumstances,
2. believing him
3. holding on in trust to what he has said against all odds
4. praying and speaking in agreement with His word AND
5. boldly ACTING your faith in these truths irrespective of what you see, feel or hear in opposition
These determine the final outcome!
The picture God has painted of us, his children, is the person of Jesus Christ- our elder brother.
He is the prototype, he is the example and sample of the Christian.
This picture, Jesus, shows us that we ARE-
Princes of Peace
In charge of ALL situations,
Above sin
Above sickness
Above lack.
WE have to agree to this picture God sees and use all He has made available to us, to make it a present, everyday reality in our lives and world.
''Can two walk together, except they be agreed?'' Amos 3:3
There is a goal to this life we have on earth. The Goal from God's perspective is that we be no longer God's "babies" or God's "teenagers",
But that we become God's MEN - mature adults bringing to reality his good will in our lives and on the earth.
So, focus on spiritual growth; Focus on being God's MAN or WOMAN.
No matter how many times you fail or fall,
dust yourself,
sit up
find out where you missed it,
recoup your resources,
recover your strength,
'Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.' 1Timothy 6:12 NIV