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Marital Roles and Love

I believe in roles in a marriage. Husband providing the vision of the family according to God's direction, the finances, strength, discipline and stability of the family; While the wife takes care of the home, cooks, cleans and makes sure the children and husband are well cared for....

However in a God centred marriage, love transcends legality! While the general roles are acknowledged, the shortcomings of each partner in the marriage is deftly covered by the other - the two have become one!

This is God's true idea of marriage :A love - centred institution. (Not just romantic love, but a selfless giving love).

Men and women are brought up by imperfect people- people who mainly tried to do the best they could based on what they knew.

Therefore all men are flawed husbands, and all women flawed wives but transparent 'selfless' love covers a multitude of sins and makes a successful marriage.


1 Peter 4:8 (NIV) Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

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