Don’t despise prophecies
I pray by the spirit of YHWH that we will take heed to the earnestness of the instruction from the heart of the Lord as he says: ''Don’t...

Fruits of the Kingdom
We often speak of the fruits of the spirit but what about the fruits of the kingdom? In Galatians 5:21-23, Paul lists the fruits...

Matthew (the tax-man who was one of Jesus' 12 Apostles) in Chapter4 of the book named after him reports that: "Then Jesus was led by the...

The question of sin?
Sin. That word which sets men on edge. That word evokes an immediate response, in so many. But what exactly is it? What is sin? My...
Time to Flow
The Lord is coming soon. The weight I have been feeling these past days is a strong unction and knowing that if we do not put aside any...

Seek ye the Lord all ye people
Seek ye the Lord all ye people, Turn to Him while He is near, Let the wicked forsake his own way, And call on Him while He may hear. Ho,...

The Root
"It is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh is no help. The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life," - Jesus the Messiah The word...

Just before Christmas 2022, I saw an army of angels descend on the earth. They did not come because it is Christmas, they were sent for...

Team Jesus
There is a timing and method to YHWH's activities. His revelations are timed and paced. Not everything is meant to be said at any or...
I hope we had a great time commemorating the arrival of God in flesh. No new content is placed today but a refresher of God's vision and...