"Strengthening the Church,
Encouraging its Leaders, Winning the world"
Very simply put we aim to reach all people while equipping and empowering the church to win its world.
We believe the Bible is wholly God inspired and its full gospel builds strong faith, resilient hope, and an active love that overcomes.
1 Cor 13:13.
By the spirit of God, we strengthen the Church to fulfill Jesus' mandate to win the world and remain victorious till the end.
Our approach is two fold:
1. Anointed preaching and teaching in churches, conferences, social media TV and to groups everywhere.
2. Supporting Christian leaders and Pastors through Pastoral Supervision (Reflective Practice) and our work with other organisations.
Contact us for more details and speaking engagements.
Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.
That one will not be hurt at all by the second death; he will have some of the hidden manna; will be given a white stone with a new name, authority over the nations and the morning star. Revelations 2:7, 11, 17, 28

A Minister, Teacher & Encourager
''God wants to be known and understood by his own children, by his grace, I preach and teach deep bible truths with the power of the Holy Spirit present.
It is only through anointed teaching of the word of God, that Christ's body is built and 'disciples that overcome' are birthed.''
Deborah served in a global ministry for over 20 years, pastored churches in the UK for almost 10 years and was ordained a minister in 2008.
She is the founder of the pastoral support network - 3PLYCORD.com. And as a Reflective Practitioner (Pastoral Supervisor) she provides professional reflective practice to Christian ministers. Deborah lives in Essex, United Kingdom with her family.